《2024 管理与组织 宁波大 71讲 视频教程》







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视频介绍 [复制本页地址介绍给朋友~]

 Managers: Who Are They and Where Do They Work

1.1 Why managers are important and who are they?
1.2 What Is Management?
1.3 What do managers do?
1.4 What is organization / learning organization?
1.5 Why learning organization is important? (Harvard Business Review)
1.6 Why middle management is the hardest job? (Simon Sinek)
1.7 Discussion: Is your course instructor a manager?
Management: Yesterday and Today
2.1 Evolution of management
2.2 Classical approach
2.3 Quantitative approach
2.4 Behavioral approach
2.5 contemporary approaches
2.6 Management Theory: China’s Contribution in history
Constrains and challenges for managers
3.1 Organization Culture: Constrains and Challenges
3.2 External Environment: Constrains and Challenges
3.3 Stakeholder Management
3.4 How Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Is Disrupting the Global Supply Chain (PBS NEWS HOURS)
3.5 The plight of China’s “left-behind” children (The Economist)
3.6 The future of shopping (The Economist)
3.7 Discussion:“Businesses are built on relationships.”
Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
4.1 Should Organizations be Socially Involved?
4.2 Why should mangers behave ethically?
4.3 Four rules guided ethical behavior
4.4 Factors that determine ethical and unethical behavior
4.5 Stakeholder Management
4.6 TEDx:The social responsibility of business
Decision Making
5.1 decision making process
5.2 decision making:Rationality? Bounded rationality? Intuition?
5.3 Types of Problems and Decisions
5.4 Decision Making Condition
5.5 Decision making errors and biases
5.6 TEDx: Before You Decide: 3 Steps To Better Decision Making
Planning and Goal Setting
6.1 The what and why planning
6.2 Types of goals and plans
6.3 Establishing goals
6.4 Developing plans
6.5 Planning: Criticisms and Effectiveness in dynamic Environment
6.6 SMART Goals
Strategic Planning
7.1 Strategic management and its importance
7.2 Strategic management process
7.3 Corporate Strategy
7.4 Business Strategy
7.5 Michael Porter Explains His Famous Five Forces and How They Can Be Used in Business Strategy
Organizational Structure and Design
8.1 Defining Organizational Structure
8.2 Traditional Organizational Design
8.3 New Organizational Design
Managing human resource
9.1 The development of HRM
9.2 Human Resource Planning
9.3 Recruiting Potential Canadidates
9.4 Selecting Competent Employment
9.5 Orientation and Employee Training
9.6 Retaining Competent Employees
Groups and Teams
10.1 Groups and Group Development
10.2 Group Properties (1)
10.3 Group Properties (2)
10.4 Work Teams and Types of Work Teams
10.5 Team Effectiveness
10.6 Challenges in Managing Teams
Motivating individual employees
11.1 Foundations of Individual Behavior
11.2 Classic Motivation Theories
11.3 Contemporary Motivation Theories: Goal-setting
11.4 Contemporary Motivation Theories: Equity Theory
11.5 Contemporary Motivation Theories: Job Design
11.6 Contemporary Motivation Theories: Expectancy Theory
11.7 Motivation Theory Application
11.8 A Great Place to Work: Tencent
12.1 What is controlling and why is it important?
12.2 Control Process
12.3 Controlling for Organizational and Employee Performance
12.4 Feedforward/Concurrent/Feedback Controls
12.5 Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance
12.6 How to Be a Pro at Giving Feedback
12.7 Responding to an Unfair Performance Review

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